The latest front-end web development trends

The latest front-end web development trends

Talking about trends for 2022 when it comes to front-end web development, it makes sense to take a look at them more frequently as they come and go really fast. That’s why web development teams need to be on top of them to properly complete their jobs.

Scouting the landscape to see what trends are emerging strongly right now and which ones will remain dominant for 2022, here you will find some useful information. For sure this article may seem old by this time next year, but storing tech information is never a bad habit, so take your time to read a bit.


To better serve their clients, many companies are developing single-page applications (SPAs). Fast, simple, and straightforward, SPAs offer a great user experience. They have one major flaw, however: they aren’t SEO-friendly. JavaScript wraps the content on these pages, which prevents search engines from crawling and indexing them.

It is true that some things can be done to improve a SPA’s SEO, but working with Gatsby is a great way to minimize this problem. The Gatsby web development framework is a combination of React, GraphQL, and Webpack that aims to build static websites.

In order to solve the wrapping issue, pre-rendering capabilities can be added to Gatsby. By doing this, Gatsby does not render anything on the server during a request because it is all done at build time. Your SPA is not accessed directly by site crawlers but instead is served a fully rendered HTML copy stored on your server.

Web developers have been faced with this problem for a long time, but Gatsby is elegant, easy, and smart. This is why so many engineers are turning to this framework for web development.

Micro-Frontend Architecture

Increasingly, micro-frontend architecture is becoming more popular and regarded as a great way to develop web applications. Its advantages have contributed to this increase in popularity. The micro-frontend architecture allows for easier development and maintenance since it decomposes the frontend into individual, semi-independent components that communicate loosely with one another.

Based on microservices, this architecture aims for the same objectives as those of this architecture, such as more agility, easier development, and closer collaboration between different developers. Therefore, web development teams that use this architecture are able to utilize a compact codebase, a scalable platform, and an independent deployment solution, so that they do not have to worry about dealing with large or complicated components. 


The advanced web improvement engineering, star of the year 2019, united customer side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and pre-fabricated markup to furnish a further developed advancement experience with better execution and lower costs.

Today, Jamstack keeps on growing. These applications give quicker execution by serving pre-fabricated markup and resources over a substance dispersion organization while being safer. It additionally offers a superior designer experience, particularly on the grounds that frontend specialists can zero in on the front-end without stressing over solid engineering.

Moreover, Jamstack projects are exceptionally adaptable, on account of the utilization of the CDN, which progressively makes up for any use spikes the application may have out of nowhere. What’s more, assuming you additionally consider that it’s more affordable than different other options (as a result of the facilitating of static records), then, at that point, you doubtlessly comprehend the reason why such countless engineers are beginning to commit to the Jamstack boat.


Respond use keeps on developing dramatically, as shown by the most recent Stack Overflow Developer Survey. Indeed, React has outperformed jQuery as the most well-known web system around, with 40% of architects reviewed asserting they use it.

Moreover, a similar review shows that 1 out of 4 designers need to begin utilizing React, which goes to show the developing interest of the web improvement local area in this structure. The reality that is straightforward, quick, and just requires insignificant coding to make refined web applications, makes it one of the most popular of the year.

Considering those numbers, it’s almost difficult to imagine that React will become undesirable without further ado. Truth be told, almost certainly, its ubiquity will become considerably serious during the remainder of 2021 and all through 2022.


At last, we have past JavaScript remaining at the highest point of the programming scene. As Stack Overflow says, “For most designers, writing computer programs is web programming,” which clarifies those outcomes.

Furthermore, that opinion will stay until the end of 2021 and the past. It’s unthinkable not to imagine that, given the language’s universality and utter predominance over different dialects.

Not even the expanding notoriety of Typescript or Google’s push for Dart is by all accounts enough to oust JavaScript. Fundamentally, this all implies that we’ll in any case depend on JavaScript to drive many web advancement projects, particularly for the language’s flexibility.

Assuming you fill in as a frontend engineer, then, at that point, you certainly must be on top of the 5 patterns referenced above, as they are absolutely the ones governing the area at this moment. Staying aware of these patterns is significant, yet not all will demonstrate value or importance eventually.

Truth be told, in this surged-up world, it is plausible to examine various patterns by the following 4 months. Yet, that is the thing with regards to front-end web improvement patterns: You want to keep awake to date consistently or hazard getting abandoned. Possibly a portion of these patterns will cement their position and become principles. Perhaps they will not. The best way to know without a doubt is to be aware of them and investigate them to check whether they merit your time and consideration.

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