Software as an Asset: Exploring the Value of Software Programs in Modern Businesses

Software as an Asset: Exploring the Value of Software Programs in Modern Businesses

Software has become an essential asset for many companies, providing long-term value and contributing to the success of their operations. But is software really an asset? In this article, we will explore the different types of assets, where software fits in each category, and whether software can be considered a capital asset. We will also discuss the role of software in modern businesses, the benefits of software as an asset, and the challenges associated with managing software assets effectively.

Is software an asset?

To determine whether software is an asset, we first need to understand the different types of assets. Assets can be classified as tangible or intangible. Tangible assets are physical objects that can be owned, bought, and sold, such as buildings, vehicles, and equipment. Intangible assets, on the other hand, are non-physical assets that can provide long-term value to a business, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Software is an intangible asset, as it is considered intellectual property that can provide long-term value to a business. According to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), software is classified as an intangible asset, along with other types of intellectual property.

Software as an Asset

What asset category is software?

Now that we know software is an intangible asset, where does it fit in the asset categories? Intangible assets are further classified as either legal rights or assets with no legal rights. Legal rights include patents, trademarks, and copyrights, which have specific legal protections. Assets with no legal rights include items like customer lists, goodwill, and software.

Software falls into the category of assets with no legal rights. This means that while software is an intangible asset, it does not have any specific legal protections like patents or trademarks. That is, it would be unless that software becomes marketed and sold or distributed to others. Then, it would eligible for applying for patent or trademark protections.

Can software be a capital asset?

A capital asset is a type of asset that has a useful life beyond the current accounting period and is used to generate revenue or profits for a business. While software is an intangible asset, it can be considered a capital asset if it meets certain criteria.

According to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), software is a capital asset if it is acquired or developed for use in a business, has a useful life beyond one year, and is not held for sale in the ordinary course of business. If these criteria are met, software can be treated as a capital asset and depreciated over its useful life.

Want to know the best part? If you pay to develop custom software as a new avenue of business operations, you could qualify for Research and Development Tax Credits! You would be eligible to receive up to 60% of the cost associated credited back in the form of income and payroll tax deductions! Initially introduced during the COVID-19 Pandemic, this program was codified into law in 2022 and is here to stay. Companies like CodingIT, have partnered with CPAs and internal teams to ensure that those that qualify don’t miss out on this opportunity to own your tech stack.

Software as an Asset

The role of software in modern business

In today’s digital age, software has become an essential asset for many businesses. It plays a crucial role in managing operations, delivering products and services, and providing a competitive advantage. Some of the ways that software is used in modern business include:

  • Managing customer relationships through customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Streamlining operations and supply chain management with enterprise resource planning (ERP) software
  • Enhancing communication and collaboration with project management and communication software
  • Enabling digital marketing and e-commerce through website and social media software
  • Improving data analysis and decision-making with business intelligence and data analytics software

As business and operations evolve, many companies are turning to custom software solutions to ensure that they are able to be efficient, automate repetitive tasks, and serve their customers better! The added competitive advantage has allowed them to be industry leaders as they posses solutions their industry doesn’t have.

The benefits of software as an asset

Since we are on the subject of how custom software is utilized by business leaders, we should mentioned what value is present in owning your business’ software solutions. There are many benefits to considering software as an asset, including:

Increased productivity and efficiency: By automating tasks and streamlining processes, software can help businesses operate more efficiently and increase productivity. Instead of making Software as a Service (SaaS) tools developed by third parties shape their internal processes, companies are turning to bespoke software development firms to create software that works alongside their processes to maximize efficiency and work flow.

Competitive advantage: Custom-developed software can provide a competitive advantage by giving businesses unique capabilities that cannot be easily replicated by competitors. Think about it; a business creates a software solution that competitors cannot possess. They own it, they operate it, and unless they choose to sell or distribute it, their competition can only mimic it. Almost every Fortune 500 company has proprietary solutions that further separate them from their industry peers. Small and Medium size businesses are no different. Those that truly wish to offer more, create more to offer.

Revenue generation and growth: Software can help businesses generate revenue and drive growth by enabling new products or services, improving customer experiences, and increasing operational efficiency. By having unique solutions, companies are able to have additional benefits to offer their prospective clientele.

Software as an Asset

The challenges of software as an asset

While software provides many benefits, it also comes with some challenges, including cost of acquiring and maintaining software: Developing or purchasing software can be costly, and ongoing maintenance and updates can add to those costs. Additionally, businesses need to consider the cost of training and supporting employees on new software programs.

Cybersecurity threats: As businesses rely more on software, they also become more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. It is essential to protect software assets from potential security breaches, which can cause significant financial losses and damage to the company’s reputation. By finding the right software development partner, these issues can be addressed and danger can be greatly minimized.

Ongoing training and support: As technology evolves, software programs will require updates and changes. Ongoing training and support are necessary to ensure employees can effectively use the software and stay up-to-date with any new features or changes. Just like any software solution, it requires effort to maintain and evolve with the company.


Software has become an essential asset for many businesses, providing long-term value and contributing to the success of their operations. By understanding the different types of assets and where software fits in each category, businesses can better manage their software assets and capitalize on the benefits they provide. However, it is also crucial to be aware of the challenges associated with managing software assets effectively, including the cost of acquiring and maintaining software, cybersecurity threats, and ongoing training and support. By addressing these challenges and optimizing their software assets, businesses can gain a competitive advantage and achieve long-term success.

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