High On The Wrong Supply: Why Your Cannabis Website Sucks

High On The Wrong Supply: Why Your Cannabis Website Sucks

The cannabis industry has come a long way in recent years, with more states legalizing marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use. With this growth, the need for cannabis businesses to have a strong online presence has become increasingly important. Unfortunately, many cannabis websites are making common mistakes that are hurting their online performance. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these mistakes and offer advice on how to make a better cannabis website.

Common Mistakes Cannabis Websites Make

Poor design is a common issue that many cannabis websites struggle with. A cluttered homepage with too much information can make it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for, leading to frustration and potentially lost sales. It’s important for cannabis businesses to invest in professional design that’s visually appealing and easy to use. A well-designed website can help establish a brand identity and build trust with consumers.

Another common mistake is lack of mobile optimization. With more people accessing the internet on their phones, it’s essential for cannabis websites to be optimized for mobile devices. A site that looks great on a desktop computer may be nearly unusable on a smartphone. Mobile optimization includes features such as responsive design, streamlined navigation, and faster load times. A mobile-friendly site not only improves user experience but can also improve your search engine rankings.

Finally, providing insufficient product information can be a critical mistake for cannabis websites. Consumers need to have a clear understanding of the products they’re buying, including the strain, potency, and intended effects. A lack of information can also make it difficult for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. Providing detailed product information is essential for building trust with your customers and establishing your brand as a trusted source of quality products.

High On The Wrong Supply: Why Your Cannabis Website Sucks

Why Mimicry is Hurting the Cannabis Industry

Mimicry is a problem that affects many industries, not just cannabis. However, it’s particularly prevalent in the cannabis industry, where businesses may be hesitant to stand out too much for fear of legal or social repercussions. Unfortunately, this approach can ultimately hurt the industry as a whole. Mimicry makes it difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves from the competition and establish a unique brand identity.

To overcome this problem, businesses in the cannabis industry need to focus on developing a strong brand identity that sets them apart from the competition. This can include elements such as unique color schemes, distinctive logos, and engaging content that speaks to the values of your brand.

We love a great brand profile, but it won’t mean much unless the execution can match the look and feel of the brand. Find out from your users what they love and hate about the industry, your brand, your products, and what they want. Stop wasting time chasing the industry and talk to your customers!

How to Make a Better Cannabis Website

To make a better cannabis website, businesses should focus on several key areas. First and foremost, they should invest in professional design that’s visually appealing and user-friendly. This can include elements such as a clean layout, easy-to-read fonts, and eye-catching images that help establish your brand identity.

Next, it’s essential to optimize your site for mobile devices. A mobile-friendly site not only improves user experience but can also improve your search engine rankings. This includes features such as responsive design, streamlined navigation, and faster load times.

Finally, providing detailed product information is essential for building trust with your customers and establishing your brand as a trusted source of quality products. This includes information about the strain, potency, and intended effects of each product, as well as any relevant lab test results or certifications.

High On The Wrong Supply: Why Your Cannabis Website Sucks

What a Great Online Presence in the Cannabis Industry Looks Like

Some of the most successful cannabis brands have a strong online presence that sets them apart from the competition. This includes having a clear brand identity, engaging content, and a user-friendly website that provides detailed product information. These brands also use social media to connect with their audience and build a community around their brand.

For example, The Apothecarium is a cannabis dispensary with locations in California and Nevada. Their website features a clean, modern design that’s easy to navigate, and they provide detailed product information for each of their products. The Apothecarium also has a blog that covers topics related to the cannabis industry, such as new products, health benefits, and legal updates. They also use social media to engage with their customers and share news about their brand.

There are many great platforms out in the digital cannabis space, but the vast majority need some help. Do be afraid to experiment with tone, imagery, subject matter, and engagement options. Let your audience tell you what they want to see by paying attention to what gets the most engagement.

Despite every company in the space having similar customers, customers choose the brands that best represent them in the industry. Find your ideal audience and keep them coming back for more.


In conclusion, creating a great cannabis website requires time, effort, and investment. By avoiding common mistakes and focusing on professional design, mobile optimization, and detailed product information, businesses in the cannabis industry can establish a strong online presence and differentiate themselves from the competition. Mimicry may be tempting, but it ultimately hinders the growth of the industry as a whole. By developing a unique brand identity and engaging with their audience through social media and other channels, cannabis businesses can build a loyal customer base and establish themselves as leaders in the industry. A great online presence can be a key driver of success in the cannabis industry, and businesses that prioritize it will be well-positioned for growth and success in the years to come.

Not sure where to start? Contact the team of Cannabis experts at CodingIT to learn why our customers have stayed with us since we opened our doors!

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