10 Agile Team Characteristics to Look For

10 Agile Team Characteristics to Look For

The adoption of Agile methodologies is experiencing a notable expansion beyond its traditional roots in the IT sector. Over the last couple of years, Agile has been making its mark in various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and marketing, among others, as organizations recognize the value of Agile team characteristics in driving success. This wider adoption shows just how versatile and effective Agile can be across a range of operational contexts. It has fundamentally altered how organizations approach project management, product development, and service delivery.

As more and more organizations catch on to the benefits of Agile, there is a noticeable trend toward implementing Agile methodologies at a larger scale within companies. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) has appeared to facilitate the application of Agile principles across entire businesses. This has enabled seamless coordination and alignment of efforts across multiple teams and departments. By embracing SAFe and similar frameworks, industries can achieve greater agility, scalability, and resilience, handling whatever curveballs the business world throws at them with style.

The expanding role of Agile has also triggered a surge in demand for Agile training and certifications. Professionals across all industries are actively looking to get better at Agile practices and methodologies to remain competitive. Agile training programs and certifications offer participants the opportunity to deepen their understanding of Agile, arming them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel. Plus, Agile certifications such as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), SAFe Agilist (SA), and Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) can open up doors to leadership roles in Agile-driven companies, validating expertise and proficiency.

But how can you tell if you’re collaborating with the finest Agile team? A good agile team should exhibit the following qualities:

An Agile team meeting to talk about the customer’s journey

Focus On the Customer

Customer focus represents a foundational principle that drives the actions and decisions of Agile teams. At the heart of Agile lies an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, manifesting in a proactive pursuit of delivering valuable results. Agile teams understand that the ultimate measure of their success lies in meeting and exceeding customer expectations, and they spare no effort in achieving this goal.

This results-oriented mindset guides Agile teams in prioritizing their efforts and resources towards activities that have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction and business success. Focusing on outcomes rather than outputs. That’s how Agile teams ensure that every action they take contributes directly to the value delivered to the customer.

What is one characteristic of an effective agile team? It’s the intimate knowledge of the customer’s needs, priorities, and pain points. That’s the only way to deliver products and services that truly resonate with them. In Agile methodology, this level of “customer obsession” is not just a nice-to-have but a factor that directly influences the success of projects. This focus should extend beyond the initial stages of product development; it has to be present in every phase of the Agile project lifecycle.


The importance of cohesive teamwork goes beyond the team boundaries. Agile methodologies place a strong emphasis on seamless collaboration, both internally and with external stakeholders, recognizing its role in driving innovation and problem-solving. By breaking down barriers and encouraging everyone to chip in, Agile teams tap into a pool of ideas and skills to tackle challenges and come up with fresh solutions.

It is also more than cooperation. It embodies true synergy, where team members combine forces to achieve more than what anyone could do alone. This collaborative atmosphere gets things done faster while building a strong sense of teamwork and common goals.

Clear Communication within the Team

Good teamwork thrives on clear communication. One of the Agile team characteristics is having straightforward and transparent ways to communicate. This way everyone is on the same page. Agile methodologies encourage open dialogue and sharing of information freely, making sure every team member knows what’s up with project goals, priorities, and how things are going.

When communication flows freely, it cuts down on confusion and builds trust and respect among team members. With clear communication, Agile teams can make decisions and tackle problems more intuitively, staying nimble and adapting to whatever comes their way.

Receiving and Embracing Feedback

Feedback is like fuel for the engine of improvement in Agile teams. Getting feedback is something that can be done early and often. From customers, stakeholders, and even from the team members. By collecting feedback as they go along, Agile businesses can spot areas where they can do better and tweak the approach accordingly. This ongoing loop helps them stay flexible and respond quickly to any changes that pop up.

Making feedback a regular part of the process, Agile teams create an environment where trying new things and thinking outside the box is encouraged. Whether it’s a suggestion from a customer or a constructive critique from a coworker, each piece of feedback serves as valuable information that drives progress. Agile teams understand that feedback is not something to be feared or avoided; rather, it’s a catalyst for growth.

Continuous Improvement

Find ways to work smarter, not harder. When they stay open to learn and try out new stuff, teams can keep up with the ever-changing world around them. Whether it’s looking back on what went well (and what didn’t), crunching numbers to see where they can do better, or testing out cool new tools. Agile teams are always on the lookout for ways to tweak their processes and step up their game.

Improvement isn’t one of the Agile team characteristics that you just do it once. It’s an ongoing journey towards being the best they can be. With every sprint and every project, they’re constantly learning and growing, getting a little better each time. It’s this commitment to always striving for improvement that keeps Agile teams ahead.

Agile team members working together

Accountability in Their Work

Everyone on the team is responsible for pulling their weight and making sure the team succeeds. But it isn’t about pointing fingers or playing the blame game. It’s taking responsibility for what they do and how they do it, and standing by their commitments.

When a team holds themselves and each other accountable, it creates trust. They know they can count on each other to get things done and deliver better results. Being accountable gives them a sense of empowerment. It means they can take the reins and make decisions that move the team forward, driving value for the whole organization.

Collective Ownership

We can go even deeper and talk about how the Agile team shares responsibilities. Instead of each person sticking to their little corner, they work together as one unit. Having each other’s backs, whether things go great or not so great.

Bouncing ideas off each other, lending a hand when needed, and working together towards the same goals. This shared ownership mindset keeps the team hungry for improvement. They’re always on the lookout for better ways to give the client even more value. 

Good Leadership

Having a good leader can make all the difference. They are the glue that holds everything together. Agile leaders are there to give direction, clear away any roadblocks, and empower teams to do the best work possible. They don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk too. 

In Agile teams, they lead by example, showing what it means to live and breathe Agile values. At the end of the day, effective leadership in Agile teams isn’t about bossing people around. It’s about lifting each other and giving everyone the tools they need to succeed.

Effective Time Management

Success can be obtained when a team sets priorities, stays focused, and cranks out working products in short iterations. For that, they can resource nifty tools like MoSCoW (Must, Should, Could, Won’t) and Kanban to keep them on track and deliver the goods quickly and consistently.

Breaking things down into smaller pieces and setting realistic deadlines, can help the team make sure that they’re maximizing the time and resources. With every little step forward, Agile teams are delivering value to the customers, one piece at a time.

Shared Culture

In Agile teams, culture is the unwritten rules, the inside jokes, and the shared experiences that make the team unique. It is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and collaboration. When someone falls, the rest is there to pick them up. When someone has a breakthrough, everyone is there to cheer them on.

At the end of the day, the culture is what makes a team tick. It’s what keeps them coming back day after day, ready to tackle whatever challenges come their way. And it’s what sets them apart as an Agile team, making them stronger, more resilient, and more successful, together.

The Takeaway

As Agile methodologies continue to spread across industries, organizations are recognizing the importance of working with teams that embody these 10 attributes. The characteristics of an Agile team create a vibrant and innovative workplace where people can thrive while driving project success. 
With a deep understanding of the Agile team characteristics, our team at Coding IT is poised to lead you through your Agile project and assist you in achieving your goals. So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, trust us to be your partner in success. Together, we can achieve greatness.

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