
Why Highly-Skilled Developers Are Worth the Investment

Why Highly-Skilled Developers Are Worth the Investment

After dissecting the ins and outs of low-code and no-code development in our last article, we wanted to go a step further and analyze the pros and cons of establishing a team of skilled developers. Think of this as the natural sequel to our previous discussion, only this time, we’re upping the...

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Navigating the Pros and Cons of Low-code and No-code Development

Navigating the Pros and Cons of Low-code and No-code Development

For ages, businesses really only had two main options when it came to developing applications. On one hand, they could purchase off-the-shelf software from external vendors. These ready-made solutions often came with a set of features that could meet general business needs, but they weren’t always...

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Reality of Time in Software Development

Reality of Time in Software Development

We are not going to sugarcoat it to you, software development timelines are inherently complex. They involve numerous stages from planning and design to coding, testing, and deployment. Each phase requires meticulous attention to detail and coordination among various stakeholders. Understanding...

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Why We Use Supabase

Why We Use Supabase

Supabase has quickly become a favorite for managing databases and development workflows at CodingIT. With the rise in the number of projects we worked on over the last years, the need for efficient and reliable database solutions has never been more important. Enter Supabase, an open-source...

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How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Software Development?

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Software Development?

The tech industry's dynamic nature demands agility and adaptability. These qualities, essential for most projects, are often harder to find than you'd expect. Companies must respond swiftly to market changes, emerging technologies, and evolving customer expectations. If you can’t find the right...

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Recent highlights

Beyond Debugging: The Importance of Software Testing

When it comes to the business value of software testing, we're not just talking about a technical process. It's got a huge impact on your bottom line. Quality assurance guarantees your products are rock-solid. This leads to happy customers who trust your brand and...

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Top Outsourcing Countries in 2024

The way companies approach software development outsourcing has really shifted over the years, turning into a key strategy for companies looking to boost their tech abilities without breaking the bank. Right now, firms are finding that outsourcing lets them tap into a...

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App Development Life Cycle: From Idea to Success

A great app can truly set you apart from the competition. Given the significant impact an app can have on your business, you should expect its creation process to be handled by experts. Understanding the app development life cycle helps you identify who truly knows...

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